Which Personal Incentive Dashboard Settings Are Available?

Which Personal Incentive Dashboard Settings Are Available?

Here are the steps to customize personal incentive dashboards:
  • Login to your workspace 
  • On the left pane, click on "Settings > Dashboards"
  • Click on the "Settings" tab (if needed)

Here are available settings:
  • Announcements
    • This option on the Announcements tab lets you configure announcements which appear on incentive dashboards. You can make announcement conditionals by specifying a list of tags. Only users having any of those tags will see the announcement on their personal incentive dashboard.
  • Terminology
    • This option on the Terminology tab lets you customize terminology on the incentive dashboards.
  • Show Team Credits
    • This option is only applicable if you measure performance by team. If this option is enabled, it allows users to view credits for transactions assigned to teams they are a member of. This option can help users to understand how their territory or team was credited.
  • Show Credited Transaction Details
    • This option allows users to view the details of transactions they were credited with (or teams they belong to were credited with - see above). Users are also allowed to export transaction details to CSV.
  • Show Attainment When Credits Released
    • This option makes it sufficient to release credits for users to preview attainment results. As soon as you release credits, attainment information is shown - with a disclaimer that rewards have not yet been released.
  • Show Attainment When Rewards Released
    • This option allows users to view attainment results when rewards are release. If you do not want users to view attainment information, make sure this option is unchecked.
  • Show Rewards When Credits Released
    • This option makes it sufficient to release credits for users to preview earned rewards. As soon as you release credits, rewards are shown - with a disclaimer that rewards have not yet been released.

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