Can I Get A Discount With a Longer Term Commitment?
We understand you may be interested in a longer term (ex: 1 year) commitment - assuming a discount is available in consideration for pre-payment.
However, we are unable to offer discounts for long-term commitments because charges are based on the number of active users. The number of active users typically fluctuates as employees join or leave your organization (or change roles).
Our approach is to bill your credit card monthly, based on active users you have at this time. The same approach is used by large cloud providers (ex: Google or Microsoft). We believe this is a fair approach because you only pay for what you use. Finally, please note that you can configure a credit balance if monthly charges cause an excessive administrative burden on you.
To learn more about how billing charges are calculated, click here.
To learn more about the billing cycle, click here.

Cancel Anytime
We do not charge any setup fee, and there is no lock-in period. Get billed monthly, activate / deactivate users when you choose, and cancel your plan anytime.
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