What Are Advanced SQL Statements?
Our technical team may configure advanced SQL statements which operate directly against the database. This is done a/ for performance reasons, b/ to perform complex queries spanning multiple entities, or c/ to analyze your entire commission or transaction history. Those advanced SQL statements are always contained within {{...}} markers. As a customer, you cannot edit those statements - only our technical team may do so.
When Are Advanced SQL Statements Necessary?
In most cases,
functions such as QueryTransactionSingle(),
QueryTransactionSum(), GetCommission(), GetCommisssionRate(), etc. - are sufficient to match records, check the commission history, etc.
However, even though flexible, those functions cannot satisfy all scenarios.
For example, they may not allow you to:
- Analyze the entire history of past transactions
- Perform a complex query requiring a join between entities
- Match on multiple fields and conditions
For example, while a function such as QueryTransactionSingle() is powerful, it may not be sufficient because: - You require complex transaction lookups
- Ex: you cannot call QueryTransactionSingle() because the match has to be done on multiple fields
- You must examine the history of transactions
- Ex: you cannot call QueryTransactionSingle() because you want to specify a sorting order
Which Entities Can Be Accessed By Advanced SQL Statements?
You can access
all entities and their associated native SQL fields:
- Use Settings > Connections > OData API to explore the API
- You can also connect using BI tools such as Power BI to explore the API
Please note that you will need to use a plural name.
For example, if the entity is called CalculationCommission, the table will be called CalculationCommissions.
How Are Advanced SQL Statements Protected?
Only Sales Cookie administrators can add or modify advanced SQL statements.
If a customer alters a SQL statement, a
security alert will be generated.
Sales Cookie uses a checksum to prevent alteration of advanced SQL statements.
Also, specific keywords are banned (ex: DROP, DELETE, etc.).
Advanced SQL statements MUST include a security clause such as "WHERE WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0".
Otherwise, your query could access entities from other workspaces, which is not acceptable.
Also, your query could access recently deleted records, which is not acceptable.
Remember, your query is converted into a native SQL database query, so security is paramount.
We require you to specify this security clause manually to ensure you know what you are doing.
In some cases, you will need to prefix WorkspaceId and IsDeleted with an entity alias (please see below for examples).
Well-Known Parameters
The following can be included in advanced SQL statements:
- @WorkspaceId = the ID of the current workspace
- @PlanId = the ID of the current plan
- @CalculationId = the ID of the current calculation
- @CalculationStartDate = the relative start date of the calculation
- @CalculationEndDate = the relative end date of the calculation
- @CalculationStartDateUtc = the UTC start date of the calculation
- @CalculationEndDateUtc = the UTC end date of the calculation (includes the entire last day, up to midnight)
- @ScanStartDateUtc = the UTC start date used to scan transactions (accounts for advanced options such as StartDate=<value>)
- @ScanEndDateUtc = the UTC end date used to scan transactions (accounts for advanced options such as EndDate=<value>) (includes the entire last day, up to midnight)
Which Entities Can I Query For?
Most of the time, you will query one of the following:
- CalculationCommissions
- CalculationCredits
- Transactions
It's uncommon to query for other entities such as:
- Users
- Teams
- Aliases
- Etc.
Here is the portion of the entity schema which you will use most often (please refer to
this KB for a short description):
CalculationCommission Queries
Each CalculationCommission record stores one per-transaction commission.
Each CalculationCommission record is linked to a Calculation (itself linked to a Plan).
Each CalculationCommission record is linked to a CalculationCredit (itself linked to a Transaction).
The sample query below shows joins from CalculationCommission records to:
- Related Calculation > Plan
- Related CalculationCredit > Transaction
- For performance, remove joins you do not need
- Consider restricting to estimated vs. actual commissions
- Ignore commissions from calculations later than the current calculation (otherwise future calculations could affect past ones)
- Exclude records outside of the current workspace
- Exclude recently deleted records
Sample query:
SELECT SUM(CC.Value) FROM CalculationCommissions AS CC // get the sum of commission amounts
JOIN Calculations AS C ON CC.CalculationId = C.Id // join from calculation commission to associated calculation
JOIN Plans AS P ON C.PlanId = P.Id // join from associated calculation to associated plan
JOIN CalculationCredits AS CR ON CC.CalculationCreditId = CR.Id // join from calculation commission to associated transaction credit
JOIN Transactions AS T ON CR.TransactionId = T.Id // join from associated calculation credit to associated transaction
WHERE CC.WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND CC.IsDeleted = 0 AND C.IsDeleted = 0 // restrict to current workspace + ignore deleted data
AND C.EndDate <= $endDate // exclude calculation commissions from future calculations
AND CC.IsEstimated = 0 AND CR.BeneficiaryId = $userId AND C.PlanId = $planId // exclude estimated commissions, specific payee, specific plan
AND CC.Explanation LIKE '%Clawback%' // only calculation commissions labeled as clawbacks
AND CR.TransactionId = $tid // for a specific transaction only
- We have CC.IsDeleted = 0 but also C.IsDeleted = 0. When a calculation is deleted, related entities such as CalculationCommissions or CalculationCredits may not be deleted immediately. For this reason, we recommend also checking if the calculation has been deleted. We don't need to check ALL joined entities - only the main entity (CalculationCommission) and the related Calculation.
- In this example, we could use GetCommission() instead (with the right parameters). You should use an advanced SQL statement only when needed. This is just an example.
CalculationCredit Queries
Each CalculationCredit record stores one individual per-transaction credit.
Each CalculationCredit record is linked to a Calculation (itself linked to a Plan).
Each CalculationCredit record is linked to a Transaction.
The sample query below shows joins from CalculationCredit records to:
- Related Calculation > Plan
- Related Transaction
- For performance, remove joins you do not need
- Ignore credits from calculations later than the current calculation (otherwise future calculations could affect past ones)
- Exclude records outside of the current workspace
- Exclude recently deleted records
Sample query:
SELECT TOP 1 CR.Value FROM CalculationCredits AS CR // get first credited amount
JOIN Calculations AS C ON CR.CalculationId = C.Id //join from calculation credit to associated calculation
JOIN Plans AS P ON C.PlanId = P.Id // join from associated calculation to associated plan
JOIN Transactions AS T ON CR.TransactionId = T.Id // join from transaction credit to associated transaction
WHERE CR.WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND CR.IsDeleted = 0 AND C.IsDeleted = 0 // restrict to current workspace + ignore deleted data
AND C.EndDate <= $endDate // exclude calculation credits from future calculations
AND CR.TargetSystemUserId = $userId AND C.PlanId = $planId // specific credited user, specific plan
AND CR.TransactionId = $tid // for a specific transaction only
ORDER BY CR.TransactionDate DESC // most recent calculation credit by transaction date
- We have CR.IsDeleted = 0 but also C.IsDeleted = 0. When a calculation is deleted, related entities such as CalculationCommissions or CalculationCredits may not be deleted immediately. For this reason, we recommend also checking if the calculation has been deleted. We don't need to check ALL joined entities - only the main entity (CalculationCredit) and the related Calculation.
Transaction Queries
Each Transaction is linked to a TransactionBatch, which represents the associated data source.
For transactions only, you can refer to either:
- Native SQL fields such as Transaction.Revenue, Transaction.CustomerName, etc.
- System fields such as [Transaction].[Revenue (System)], Transaction].[Customer (System)], etc.
- Imported fields such as [Transaction].[Amount (Imported)], Transaction].[Account (Imported)], etc.
Using options 1 or 2 is more performant than option 3.
You can use a combination of approaches in the same advanced SQL query.
The sample query below shows joins from Transaction records to:
- Related TransactionBatch
- For performance, reference Native or System fields when possible
- For performance, remove joins you do not need
- Exclude records outside of the current workspace
- Exclude recently deleted records
Sample query:
SELECT TOP 1 T.Revenue FROM Transactions AS T // referencing native SQL field on Transaction entity (fast)
JOIN TransactionBatches AS TB ON T.TransactionBatchId = TB.Id // join from transaction to associated transaction batch
WHERE T.WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND T.IsDeleted = 0 // restrict to current workspace + ignore deleted data
AND T.[Owner / Sold By (System)] LIKE '%Fred%' // referencing system field on Transaction entity (fast)
AND T.[Field #1 (Imported)] LIKE '%hardware%' // imported field on Transaction entity (slow)
AND TB.DataSource LIKE '%Stripe%' // Stripe transactions only
AND TB.Query LIKE '%Invoice%'// invoices only
ORDER BY T.TransactionDate DESC // most recent by transaction date
Normalizing SQL Query Results
A SQL query will only return one value (not an array of values).
After executing a SQL statement, always convert using ToString(), ToDecimal(), ToDate().
If there is no match, we will get NULL which is neither a string, decimal or date.
For example, if we have this:
var $id = {{SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM <something> WHERE <something>}}
var $id = ToString($id)
IIF($id = '', <this>, <that>)
If we do not call ToString(), and the result in NULL, we may receive an error saying that NULL cannot be compared to a string.
For example, if we have this:
var $rev = {{SELECT TOP 1 Revenue FROM <something> WHERE <something>}}
var $rev = ToDecimal($rev)
IIF($rev <> 0, <this>, <that>)
If we do not call ToDecimal(), and the result in NULL, we may receive an error saying that NULL cannot be compared to a number.
Pre-Loading Data
Advanced SQL statements are individual queries to a remote database with billions of records.
Those remote database queries, if frequent, can be expensive.
For example, suppose that we want to cache some information about transactions in the current calculation period.
We want to cache the Transaction Date, the Rep name, and the Revenue.
We only want to cache transactions which are in the current calculation period.
First, we must add an advanced option with SqlCacheQuery=<CacheTableName>={{Advanced SQL Statement}}. This advanced option allows us to pre-load data.
Make sure to use aliases (AS) to name retrieved fields.
SqlCacheQuery=MyCache={{SELECT Id, [Rep (Imported)] AS Rep, [Revenue (System)] AS Rev FROM Transactions WHERE WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0 AND TransactionDate >= @CalculationStartDateUtc AND TransactionDate < @CalculationEndDateUtc}}
Only fields Id, Rep, and Rev will be loaded.
This allows us to limit the amount of data loaded.
Second, our advanced SQL statement can now query cached data (instead of the remote database).
We can use this formula to determine if there is a duplicate transaction with the same Rep and Revenue:
var $id = [Transaction].[id]
var $rep = [Transaction].[Rep (Imported)]
var $rev = [Transaction].[Revenue (System)]
var $otherId = {{SELECT Id FROM MyCache WHERE Id <> $id AND Rep = $rep AND Rev = $rev}}
Note: you do not need to specify WHERE WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId when querying cached data as the data is already scoped to the current workspace.
The query will run much faster because we're querying a local database instead of a remote one.
The local database only has a small sub-set of the whole database and will be loaded in memory.
This diagram describes the difference between querying the remote database vs. pre-loading the data and querying a local database.
Optimizing Advanced SQL Queries
The following principles can be used to optimize advanced SQL queries.
When possible:
- Pre-load data where appropriate
- Please refer to paragraph "Pre-Loading Data" above
- For Transactions, reference Native or System fields.
- Imported fields are not indexed.
- Move less expensive checks ahead of SQL queries.
- The order in which you evaluate transactions matters.
- For example, suppose that you require transactions to have a payment date in period AND not to be a duplicate of prior transactions (this requires a SQL query).
- It's more performant to first check the payment date - if not in period, you can exit "early" and avoid a SQL query.
- It's only when the payment date is in period that you will evaluate the SQL query.
- Specify a date condition when possible.
- If only records prior to a specific date need to be queried, specify a date condition to limit the number of candidate records.
- For example, if you want to check if there is a duplicate older transaction, only query transactions dated before the current one.
- Generally, you also only want to query commissions and credits associated with calculations before the current one.
- Check if a record exists instead of getting a count.
- Checking for the TOP 1 record is faster than getting an exact count of records.
- See "Recipe - Checking If A Record Exists" below.
- Only join the entities you need.
- Each join has a performance cost as requires a match.
- Exploit caching (advanced).
- The result of SQL queries are cached.
- Formulating the same SQL query 1000 times will not result in 1000 database calls.
- There are cases where it is possible to exploit this characteristics to optimize SQL queries.
- Use WITH (NOLOCK) after each table name (advanced).
- A query such as "SELECT TOP <something> FROM Transactions AS T WITH (NOLOCK)" allows the database engine to bypass locked records.
- This is useful when the database is under heavy contention.
- Use advanced options to join transactions with transactions (advanced)
- If you need to match transactions with other transactions, consider using advanced options.
- See "Joining Transactions With Other Transactions" below.
Recipe - Checking If A Record Exists
The expensive and naive approach is to count matching records.
var $count = {{SELECT SUM(*) FROM <something> WHERE <something>}}
var $count = ToDecimal($count)
IIF($count >= 1, <this>, <that>)
However, do we really need a count?
Asking SQL to get a count requires matching all records.
It is cheaper to ask SQL to find the first matching record like this.
Here, SQL will read the ID and stop if not empty.
We will get the ID of the first record.
var $id = {{SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM <something> WHERE <something>}}
var $id = ToString($id)
IIF($id <> '', <this>, <that>)
There is a lazier option which is to use the SQL trick "SELECT TOP 1 1".
If there is a match, we will SELECT 1. Otherwise, we will SELECT NULL.
Note that we call ToDecimal() to convert NULL to zero.
var $exists= {{SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM <something> WHERE <something>}}
var $exists = ToDecimal($exist)
IIF($exists = 1, <this>, <that>)
Recipe - Check If Transaction Is The First One For A Given Customer
var $customer = [Transaction].[Customer (System)]
var $date = [Transaction].[Transaction Date (System)]
var $firstId = {{SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM Transactions WHERE [Customer (System)] = $customer AND WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0 AND TransactionDate <= $date ORDER BY TransactionDate ASC, Id ASC}}
var $firstId = ToString($firstId)
var $id = [Transaction].[id]
var $firstTransaction = IIF($id = $firstId, 1, 0)
- We read the Customer of the current transaction
- We get the Id of the oldest transaction for the same Customer in the history of transactions
- We sort by transaction date ascending (oldest first)
- If two transactions have the exact same transaction date, we sort by Id ascending to ensure a predictable order (second-level order)
- We match on the Customer
- We exclude any transaction whose date is after the current date (optimization)
- We exclude any transaction not in the current workspace
- We exclude any recently deleted transaction
- We compare our current transaction ID with the fist transaction ID for this customer
- If equal, our current transaction is the first for this customer
- If different, our current transaction is NOT the first for this customer
Recipe - Match On Multiple Fields And Return Single Value
var $customer = [Transaction].[Customer (System)]
var $dealId = [Transaction].[Deal ID (Imported)]
var $id = [Transaction].[id]
var $rep = {{SELECT TOP 1 [Rep (Imported)] FROM Transactions WHERE [Customer (System)] = $customer AND [Deal ID (Imported)] = $dealId AND [Rep (Imported)] IS NOT NULL AND Id <> $id AND WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0}}
var $rep = ToString($rep)
- We read the Customer of the current transaction
- We read the Deal ID of the current transaction
- We get the Rep from a matching transaction in the history of transactions
- We match on the Customer
- We also match on the Deal ID
- We only select transactions whose Rep is not empty
- We ensure we do not match ourselves
- We exclude any transaction not in the current workspace
- We exclude any recently deleted transaction
Joining Transactions With Other Transactions
You can perform SQL joins between transactions using this standard syntax:
{{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Transactions AS T1 JOIN Transactions AS T2 ON T1.[Other (Imported)] = T2.[Other (Imported)] WHERE T1.WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND T1.IsDeleted = 0 AND T2.WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND T2.IsDeleted = 0}}
You can also perform SQL joins between transactions using the with syntax:
{{WITH T1 AS (SELECT [Other (Imported)] AS Other FROM Transactions WHERE WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0), T2 AS (SELECT [Other (Imported)] AS Other FROM Transactions WHERE WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T1 JOIN T2 ON T1.Other = T2.Other}}
Advanced options can also be used to join transactions with other transactions at data retrieval time.
Your join can be based on 1 or more fields. Please refer to "Join Options" in advanced option documentation.
Joining Between Pre-Loaded Cached Tables
Suppose that you have pre-loaded data into two tables via advanced options (see "Pre-Loading Data"):
- SqlCacheQuery=Table1={{Advanced SQL Statement}}
- SqlCacheQuery=Table2={{Advanced SQL Statement}}
You can perform SQL joins between cached tables using this standard syntax:
{{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table1 JOIN Table2 WHERE Table1.Id = Table2.Id}}
You can also perform SQL joins between cached tables using the with syntax: