This error applies to the following situation:
- A plan was configured by our technical team
- You altered formulas within the plan
- Some of those formulas contain {{...}} expressions
- Your calculation is failing with this error
This error prevents you from running calculations.
In formulas, you can use your own SQL to query credited transactions and calculated rewards (examples). We provide full data isolation / sandboxing by making a copy of your workspace data to a private database. Your SQL query only runs against your own private database.
On the other hand, formulas with {{...}} are direct SQL queries which operate directly on our entire database. Those formulas are configured by the Sales Cookie team for cases where isolation and sandboxing is not sufficient or too slow, or because we need to refer to other entities.
Only Sales Cookie operators can alter direct SQL queries. If you alter a formula with a direct SQL query, our system will detect this change and issue error "Your plan contains advanced formulas which must be approved by us. Please contact support for assistance.".
Here is an example of a direct SQL query. A workspace selector is required and ensures the query only runs against one specific workspace's data.
{{SELECT SUM([Amount (Imported)]) FROM Transactions WHERE WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId AND IsDeleted = 0}}
As instructed by the error, please contact technical support. We will review your formulas and authorize changes after evaluating their performance impact.