How Is Multi-Source Transaction Data Handled?

How Is Multi-Source Transaction Data Handled?

Sales Cookie stores transactions in a data pool.

If you import data from multiple data sources (each with different field names), you can:
  • Refer to original field names (from each data source)                          BUT ALSO 
  • Work across data sources via mapped system categories (ex: Revenue)   

Multiple Data Sources
Importing data from multiple data sources is often required to calculate commissions. For example, you may pay SDRs based on booked appointments, but pay AEs based on opportunities. Most likely, you will need to import data from two data sources (one with booked appointment data, and another with opportunity data).

Transactions within Sales Cookies can come from multiple data sources - for example:
  • From a CSV upload                   PLUS
  • From a SalesForce report          PLUS
  • From QuickBooks invoices

Note that each data source may name fields differently - even if they represent the same thing. For example, one data source may have an "ARR" field which represents revenue, while another data source may have an "Amount" field which also represents revenue. 

Referring To Fields
In some cases, we may want to refer to "ARR" data only, which is valid within one data source only. In other cases, we may want to refer to "Amount" data only, which is valid within the other data source only. And finally, we may want to refer to "Revenue" in general, which could be either "ARR" or "Amount".

Mapping both "ARR" and "Amount" to the "Revenue" system category gives us a unified view of revenue across both data sources.

Mapping Data Fields To System Categories
Suppose that you uploaded some sales data from CSV, and some from SalesForce. 

Suppose that your CSV data has the following fields:
  • ARR
  • Closed Date
  • Sales Rep

And that your SFDC data has the following fields:
  • Amount
  • Transaction Date
  • Sold By

By mapping fields to system categories, you provide a unified view over mapped fields. For example, you could map both the CSV "ARR" and SFDC "Amount" field to the "Revenue" system category. And you could map the CSV "Closed Date" and SFDC "Transaction Date" to the "Transaction Date" system category.

Now, you can refer to "Revenue (System)" in your formulas. Sales Cookie understands that the data may come from either the "ARR" or "Amount" field.

Another benefit of mapping fields to system categories is that you enable default behaviors. For example, let's say you mapped some fields to the "Owner / Sold By" system category. Plans will use mapped data to credit reps by default. You can still override the crediting field within each plan, like this:

System vs. Imported Fields
Here the auto-complete function is showing available transaction fields:

Note that some are suffixed by "(Imported)" while others are suffixed by "(System)":
  • Revenue (System) refers to data mapped to the system Revenue category
  • Revenue (Imported) refers to an original field name which happened to be called "Revenue" within one of your data sources

Therefore, when you see "(System)", think "mapped to a system category". And when you see "(Imported)", think "original field name within one of my data sources".

Filtering Transactions
When configuring plans, you will often create a transaction query, which you will apply to your plan as a filtering criteria. For example, you could use a filter like this:

Here we see "(Imported)", so we are referring to an original field name. In this case, only data sources having data within a field named "Close Date" will be used. However, you may want to be more explicit, and explicitly filter on the exact data source, like this. In the sample below, we are further indicating that the data must come from an SFDC report called "My View". 

Editing Transactions
When you edit a transaction, we show you the original (imported) field names for the data source it came from. Here we can see that this transaction came from SFDC. We can see that the "Amount" original field name was mapped to the Revenue system category. We can also see that the "Opportunity Name" original field name was NOT mapped to any system category. It still remains available for queries, formulas, etc.

Viewing Data Sync Status
You can establish a connection with certain systems, and continuously synchronize data. You can see the sync status on the last tab of the Transactions > All Transactions page.

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