How Can I Bulk Upload Custom Variables?

How Can I Bulk Upload Custom Variables?

You can always input custom variables one at a time by editing users (or teams) individually, and navigating to their "Custom" tab. However, this is quite inefficient at scale.

Bulk-Setting Custom Variables
First prepare a spreadsheet with 4 columns:
  • The user's email address (or team name)
  • The custom variable value
  • The effective from date
  • The effective until date

Here is an example of a prepared Excel spreadsheet with quotas and their effective dates:

  • Go to Settings > Tools
  • Select one of the following

  • Select or enter your custom variable name
  • Paste data from your spreadsheet
  • Click on Save

This is what it looks like after pasting data from the sample spreadsheet above.

On save, custom variable @@Quota will set set on each user.

Bulk-Loading Custom Variables
To load and review custom variables:
  • Enter your custom variable name
  • Click on one of the following
    • Load All - loads values for all users (or teams) whether or not the custom variable is set on them
    • Load Set - loads values for users (or teams) who have the custom variable set on them

You can also specify a filter:

For example, if you select "Senior AE":
  • Load All - loads values for users tagged as "Senior AE" whether or not the custom variable is set on them  
  • Load Set - loads values for users tagged as "Senior AE" who have the custom variable set on them

Visualizing Custom Variables
To visualize custom variables, click on the Visualize button. You should see a graph like this. This can help you verify that entered values are in fact correct. 

Date Picker
The date picker field helps you choose correct effective "Valid From" and "Valid Until" dates. For example, if you start typing Q3, autocompletes offers related choices. If you select Q3 2020 in the autocomplete dropdown, the "Valid From" and "Valid Until" dates will be filled with the appropriate dates.

You can also type a date in text format in the "Valid From" and "Valid Until" fields. For example, if you type "March 2 2021" and press enter, your selection will be replaced by the appropriate date.

After typing enter, you should see:

Clearing Custom Variables
The bulk edit tool works in an additive (incremental) fashion. It will keep adding new entries on Save, adding or replacing existing entries. To clear a custom variable, set the value to an empty value and save. This will delete the corresponding entry. 

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