How Can I Automate My Calculations?

How Can I Automate My Calculations?

Tired of starting new calculations every pay period? Tired of re-running calculations so your reps can see progress? We can automate the process for you.

Just make sure your plans are set to "Active" and have the right frequency (ex: monthly, quarterly, etc.). Then, choose one of the following two options.

I want calculations to start automatically, and also have them re-run daily
This option is best if you want full automation. Simply go to Settings > Advanced in the left navigation bar, and select "Auto-Start & Re-Run Calculations".

When a new period starts (ex: a new month starts), we will automatically start new calculations for all active plans. We will re-run these calculations daily until you release rewards. For example, if you have a monthly plan, we will start a new calculation every 1st of the month - with a daily re-run until you release rewards. Learn more by clicking here.

I prefer to start calculations manually, but want them to re-run daily
This option is best if you prefer to start calculations yourself, and only want to automate daily re-runs. Simply start your calculation and then go to its "Automation" tab.

You can enable daily re-runs for each specific calculation. The system will re-run this specific calculation daily until you release rewards. Learn more by clicking here.

Full vs. Partial Automation
If full automation is enabled, the "Automation" tab in each calculation will disappear because the system is managing calculation starts and re-runs for you.
Here are some differences:
  • With full auto mode, you don't need to manually edit each calculation's automation tab, and toggle re-calculation. This is done for you.
  • With full auto mode, when you enter a new period, a new calculation starts for you. With partial auto mode, you have to start a new calculation yourself when you enter a new period.
  • With full auto mode, we will re-run calculations daily up to 7 days after the period end.  With partial auto mode, we will do so daily up to 1 month after the period end. Note that in both modes, releasing rewards stops the daily re-calculation.
  • With full auto mode, you cannot choose which plans should have a daily re-calculation. All active plans have a daily re-calculation enabled. With partial auto mode, you can choose which calculations should re-run daily and which should not. 

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