What Happens When I Change User Email Addresses?

What Happens When I Change User Email Addresses?

This KB only applies to authorized Sales Cookie operators.

To change user email addresses, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Debug > Change Email
  2. Complete the form
    1. Current Email = old email address of a user (MUST exist)
    2. New Email = new email address to switch to (this user may or may not already exist in Sales Cookie) 
  3. Click on Change

Here are different scenarios and how they are handled:
  1. There are two different scenarios
    1. The new email is NOT in-use in Sales Cookie
      1. The user will have to perform a "Sign Up" action and choose a new password
      2. The user will have to accept Terms of Service
    2. The new email is already in-use in Sales Cookie
      1. The user can sign normally with their existing password
        1. Signing up or resetting credentials is not required
      2. Content associated with each user (ex: commission statements) will be swapped
        1. Content associated with the old email will appear under the new email
        2. Content associated with the new email will appear under the old email
      3. There is no way currently to merge 2 user accounts into one
  2. We do NOT recommend changing email addresses for users who log in via SSO (ex: Google / Microsoft / SalesForce)
    1. The behavior of changing email addresses is undefined
  3. User aliases are updated after changing email addresses

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