Recipe - How To Configure Ramped Quotas

Recipe - How To Configure Ramped Quotas

This article applies if you want to use ramped quotas - i.e. quotas whose value increases over time. Ramped quotas are typically used for new hires who should not be subject to a full quota (because they are still building a pipeline or in-training).

Becoming Familiar With General Plan Setup
We first recommend first reading this article to become familiar with fundamental mechanisms of plan configuration.

Choosing An Approach
Let's say that you want to use the following ramped quotas:
  • After 1 month with the company, Joe's monthly quota is $10,000
  • After 2 months with the company, Joe's monthly quota is $20,000
  • After 3 months with the company, Joe's monthly quota is $30,000
  • After this, Joe's monthly quota is $45,000

There are 2 primary ways you can accomplish this.
  • Approach 1 - define per-user custom variables 
  • Approach 2 - define a dynamic quota formula based on start dates

Approach 1 - Define Per-User Custom Variables
You can specify each user's quota with different effective dates.

For each target:
  1. Edit the user
  2. Go to the "Custom" tab
  3. Define a custom variable called "Quota"
  4. Set appropriate values
  5. Set effective dates

As you can see, the effective quota starts at $10,000 in January, but increases to $45,000 over time.

Next, update your plan:
  1. Edit your plan
  2. Go to the "Incentives" tab
  3. Select this option from the dropdown
  4. Enter @@Quota

Sales Cookie will automatically resolve the value of @@Quota for each credited user. The period you are calculating for will determine which value is effective.

Advanced - Bulk-Entering Quota Values
To bulk enter values across multiple users, you can use the bulk quota tool:
1. Go to Settings > Tools
2. Select "Bulk Set User Quotas"

Note: you can select users by tag when bulk-setting quotas.

Approach 2 - Define a Dynamic Quota Formula Based On Dates
Another solution consists in defining a dynamic quota formula. This formula can lookup each credited user's start date, and return a quota value.

For each target:
  1. Edit the user
  2. Go to the "Custom" tab
  3. Define a custom variable called "StartDate"
  4. Set appropriate values
  5. Make the value effective always

Next, update your plan:
  1. Edit your plan
  2. Go to the "Incentives" tab
  3. Select this option from the dropdown

Then, in the quota formula, enter something like this:

As you can see, this formula retrieves the @@StartDate custom variable from each credited user. Then, depending on the difference between [the calculation period's end date] vs. [the user's start date], it returns a quota value.

Advanced - Avoiding Hardcoded Values
In the formula above, we've hardcoded values. Instead, you could refer to plan-level custom variables like this:

On the "Custom" tab of your plan, you can now define values for @@4Months, @@3Months, etc. Sales Cookie will automatically resolve the value of @@4Months, @@3Months, etc. The period you are calculating for will determine which value is effective.

Advanced - Hybrid Explicit Quota OR Start Date
Perhaps you have a situation where most reps have explicit quotas defined as custom variables (ex: @@Quota). However, for new reps, you want to use a ramped quota automatically calculated based on their start date.

In the formula below, we first check if an explicit quota is set for the calculation period. If not, we fall back to using the start date defined on the credited user.

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