How Can I Adjust An Individual Transaction's Commission

How Can I Adjust An Individual Transaction's Commission

This article only applies to per-transaction rewards. Many commissions are paid in aggregate (ex: $1000 payout for reaching a milestone), and so there isn't a per-transaction commission amount. The same applies is you use the portion method to calculate commissions.

To start from a transaction:
Here we'll find the transaction and edit commissions from there.
  • Login to your workspace
  • On the left pane, click on "Transactions > All Transactions"
  • Search for the transaction whose commission you want to adjust
  • Click on the transaction row to edit it
  • Click on the "Commissions" tab
  • Click on the commission row to edit its amount
  • Save changes

To start from incentive dashboards:
Here we'll view incentive dashboards and edit commissions from there.
  • Login to your workspace
  • Make sure the calculation was released (ex: credits released)
  • On the left pane, click on "Incentives" 
  • Open a rep statement and scroll down to credits
  • Click on a credits row to edit its commission amount
  • Save changes

To start from a calculation:
You can also start from a calculation, and then use one of the method above. First, open your calculation:
  • Login to your workspace
  • On the left pane, click on "Calculations > All Calculations"
  • Search for the calculation
  • Click on the calculation row to edit it
  • Click on the "Rewards" tab

Next, if you want to start from a transaction:
  • Click on the reward entry whose commissions you want to adjust
  • Click on the top bar to view associated transactions
  • Follow above steps "to start from a transaction"

Or if you prefer to start from incentive dashboards: 
  • Search for a payee
  • Click on the "Statement" button
  • Follow above steps "to start from incentive dashboards" 

When you make a manual adjustment to a commission, a new reward will be recorded within your calculation with the adjustment amount.

Per-Transaction Adjustments
In most cases, you should not directly adjust per-transaction commission amounts. Instead, you should update transaction data to be correct, configure your plan to calculate commissions correctly, or add a manual adjustment. Use this page for unique situations where you need to update a single transaction's commission.

Re-Calculating Commissions
When recalculating, manual adjustments can be carried over. This includes rewards recording per-transaction adjustments. If the recalculation yields a commission for the same transaction and beneficiary, the adjusted amount will be re-applied as well. Note that there are edge cases where you may end up in an inconsistent state. For example, suppose that you adjusted a per-transaction commission, but that the transaction was deleted. On re-calculation, the reward recording the adjustment will be carried over, but not the adjustment to the transaction (since the transaction is no longer valid). 

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