Configuration Experiment #V2

Configuration Experiment #V2

The goal of this experiment is to help you understand how to use custom variables in your configuration. For this challenge, you will use a demo workspace and enter some configuration. When asked to write down something, please copy the value to a document (along with the step #), as you will be using those values later on.


  1. Create a demo workspace
  2. Go to Plans > All Plans
  3. Edit plan "Sales Manager Compensation"
  4. Go to the Incentives tab
  5. In the dropdown, choose "As Percentages Of a Per-Target Dynamic Quota"
  6. In the textbox next to it, enter "@@Quota"
  7. Configure 2 attainment levels
    1. Set attainments to 0% and 100%
    2. Make both attainment levels cumulative
    3. Add a 5% of revenue reward to the 1st tier
    4. Add a 10% of revenue reward to the 2nd tier

  8. Save plan changes
  9. Go to Calculations > All Calculations
  10. Delete the calculation for "One-Off Sales Contest"
  11. Start a calculation for "Sales Manager Compensation"
  12. Open the calculation
  13. Notice the alert (click for details)
    1.  Why did you receive this alert?
    2. What does this alert mean?
  14. Go to Settings > Tools > Bulk Set Team Quotas
  15. Enter "Quota" as the property name
  16. Click on "Load All"
  17. Enter 1000 for some teams, 2000 for some teams, 3000 for some teams
  18. Click on "Visualize"
  19. Click on "Save"

  20. Go to Teams > All Teams
  21. Edit any team
  22. Go to the Custom tab
    1. What do you see?
  23. Go to Calculations > All Calculations
  24. Re-run the calculation (with delete)
  25. Open the calculation
    1. Notice there are no alerts
    2. Why is the alert gone?
  26. Go to the Rewards tab
    1. Can you tell which team(s) only attained the first attainment level?
    2. Why was the criterion for getting to the second attainment level?
    3. What was their assigned quota vs. other teams?
  27. Click on "Reward Details"
    1. Can you tell each team's attainment to quota?

Key Learnings
  • It's possible to configure plans whose attainment is based on a per-target custom variable
  • If the plan is team-based, custom variables should be set on teams, because we are measuring team performance
  • Using a tool, we can bulk-edit the same custom variables across many teams
  • We can also edit each team individually and see which custom variables are set

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