Why Is Your Support Website Not Resolving?
This support website uses a third-party solution called Zoho. When you navigate to https://support2.salescookie.com (or any other website), your browser performs a DNS query to find the right IP address to connect to.
Zoho rotates its IP addresses regularly. DNS settings for support2.salescookie.com instruct all DNS servers to avoid caching IP addresses for more than 60 seconds. This is called the TTL (time to live). All DNS servers should honor this TTL of 60 seconds.
However, some DNS servers misbehave and cache IP addresses for longer than allowed. For example, they cache IPs for 1 hour, even though the specified TTL is 60 seconds. This can cause you to be redirected to a Zoho IP which is not longer active.
To avoid this problem:
- First, use your mobile device without WIFI to confirm you can connect to https://support2.salescookie.com. If this works, this is evidence that a bad DNS server within your intranet is incorrectly caching old IPs.
- Second, change your DNS settings to point to Google DNS or another reputable DNS provider. Here is how you can do this for Google DNS. As a side benefit, you may experience faster DNS resolution, and more reliable DNS lookups.
This should resolve the issue permanently.
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