Recipe - How To Handle Re-Calculations When You've Already Released Rewards

Recipe - How To Handle Re-Calculations When You've Already Released Rewards

This article applies if:
  • You've already released rewards for a calculation
  • You realized that the calculated amount was incorrect
    • Example: you discovered later that the plan was not setup correctly when you calculated
    • Example: you discovered later that eligible sales were missing when you calculated 
    • Example: you discovered later than some data changed since you calculated

To fix this, you have three options.

Option 1 - Start new calculation (side-by-side) and release it
  1. Start a new calculation for the same time period
    1. Note that it shows a deduction for what was already been paid
  2. Release rewards for this calculation

Your payees will then have 2 statements for the same period:
  • The original one
  • Another one with the "delta" payout

Option 2 - Start new calculation (side-by-side) & port adjustments to original calculation
  1. Start a new calculation for the same time period
    1. Note that it shows a deduction for what was already been paid
  2. Open this new calculation and export payouts 
  3. Make note of the deltas for each payee
  4. Delete this new calculation
  5. Edit the original calculation
  6. Add manual rewards for each payee matching the deltas
    1. To add manual rewards, go to the Rewards tab of the calculation, and click on "+ Manual Reward"

Your payee will then have their original statement corrected, with manual rewards indicating adjustments made to the original statement.

Option 3 - Re-run the original calculation and release it
  1. Go to your original calculation
  2. Re-run the calculation (choose to delete the current calculation)
  3. Release rewards for this calculation

Your payee will then have their original statement replaced with newly calculated payouts. Before doing this however, read our "Playing It Safe" recommendation below.

Playing It Safe
Method 3 looks natural. However, it can be risky. For example, suppose that, after re-calculation, you realized that transaction data has been incorrectly altered. You've already deleted the original calculation, so you're in a bad situation. Therefore, we recommend first running a calculation side-by-side to examine deltas. If deltas look correct, delete your side-by-side calculation, and then re-run your original calculation (with delete).

Frequent Data Changes?
If it's quite common for past data to change, your plan may require a different configuration! For example, it might be useful to adopt a strategy where commissions are always re-calculated YTD, and deductions applied based on what has been paid so far YTD. This way, if past data changes (dates or amounts), the re-calculation will catch this, because we'll constantly be re-evaluating what should have been paid YTD.

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