How Can I Calculate a Complicated Per-Transaction Reward (Advanced)?

How Can I Calculate a Complicated Per-Transaction Reward (Advanced)?

Sometimes, you want to calculate per-transaction commission amounts based on complex rules.

Do You Need A Per-Transaction Reward Formula?
In most cases, it's sufficient to rely to use pre-canned rewards such as "% of Revenue", "% of Profit", or "Cash Reward". Those options do not require formulas.

However, you may want to calculate commission amounts using formulas. This can be achieved by defining either a/ a global reward or b/ a per-transaction reward. This article describes option b/ (per-transaction reward). Click here for the other option, and here to determine if you are using the right approach.

Creating a Per-Transaction Reward Formula
First, review this article about formulas to understand how they work, and which constructs are available.

Next, create a per-transaction reward formula:
  • Edit your plan
  • Click on the "Incentives" tab (if needed)
  • Click on the "+ Reward" button
  • Select "Per-Transaction Reward"
  • Enter a per-transaction formula (examples below)

Your formula's output should be numeric.

Pay attention to this option. The first option will apply your payouts to ALL transactions (not just those which fall within the current tier). The second option will only apply your payouts to transactions which fell within the current tier.

Per-Transaction Reward Formula Examples
Here are some examples of formulas you could use to configure per-transaction rewards.

Assume that you uploaded transactions with the following fields:
  • Product (a text field)

Apply The Beneficiary's Commission Rate To Revenue
var $rate = [Beneficiary].[@@Rate]
[Transaction].[calculated_revenue] * $rate / 100.0

Use Fixed Commissions Depending On The Product
var $product = [Transaction].[Product (Imported)]
IFEX($product LIKE '%apple%', 10)
IFEX($product LIKE '%orange%', 20)

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