Configuration Experiment #D2

Configuration Experiment #D2

The goal of this experiment is to help you understand how configuration changes impact transactions. For this challenge, you will use a production workspace and enter some configuration. When asked to write down something, please copy the value to a document (along with the step #), as you will be using those values later on.


Create a CSV file with the following:
  • Date,Owner,Revenue,Customer
  • 2021-01-01,Daniel Martinez,100,A
  • 2021-01-01,Daniel Martinez,100,B
  • 2021-02-01,Daniel Martinez,1000,C
  • 2021-02-01,Daniel Martinez,1000,D

As you can see, each record does NOT have a Unique ID. Each customer name is different, but some dates and amounts are the same.

  1. Go to Account > My Workspaces
  2. Create a production workspace
  3. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  4. Import your CSV file
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Select the Date as the Unique ID field
  5. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  6. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why is there only 2 transactions (we uploaded 4)?

    3. Select "Delete Transactions" (use the dropdown menu)
      1. Delete all transactions
  7. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  8. Import your CSV file again
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Select both the Customer and Date as the Unique ID fields
  9. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  10. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why are there 4 transactions now (instead of 2 previously)?
  11. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  12. Import your CSV file again
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Continue to select both the Customer and Date as the Unique ID fields
  13. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  14. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why are there still only 4 transactions (no duplicates) after re-importing the same CSV file?
  15. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  16. Edit your CSV file
    1. Change the first row's Revenue to from 100 to 999 
  17. Import your CSV file again
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Continue to use both the Customer and Date as the Unique ID fields
  18. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  19. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why are there still only 4 transactions (i.e. no duplicates created)?
    3. Was the right transaction updated (with a Revenue of 999)?
  20. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  21. Edit your CSV file
    1. Change the first row's Customer from "A" to "XXX"
  22. Import your CSV file again
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Continue to use both the Customer and Date as the Unique ID fields
  23. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  24. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why are there 5 rows now?
  25. Select "Delete Transactions" (use the dropdown menu)
    1. Delete all transactions
  26. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  27. Import your CSV file again
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Uncheck all fields for the Unique ID (empty selection)
  28. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  29. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why are there 4 rows?
  30. Go to Transactions > Add Transactions
  31. Edit your CSV file
    1. Change the first row's Customer from "XXX" to "YYY"
  32. Import your CSV file again
    1. Note that you are being warned that there is no Unique ID
    2. Continue to uncheck all fields for the Unique ID (empty selection)
  33. Wait 10 seconds for the import to finish
  34. Go to Transactions > All Transactions
    1. Write down how many transactions are present
    2. Why are there 5 rows now?

Key Learnings
  • If there is no Unique ID in the data, we can either
    • Choose a set of fields
    • Do NOT choose any fields
  • If we do choose a set of fields
    • We will generate Unique IDs using a combination of selected fields
    • This combination identifies records for the purpose of a/ updating them and b/ preventing duplicates
    • The chosen combination should be stable and truly unique, otherwise duplicates will be created when corrections are made to the data, and data is re-uploaded
  • If we do NOT choose any fields
    • We will generate Unique IDs using all fields (basically a checksum of the entire row)
    • Therefore, uploading the exact same data many times will not lead to duplicates  
    • However, changing ANY field and re-uploading will lead to duplicates 
  • Most CRM systems have a unique ID for each record so this mostly applies to CSV imports

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