Configuration Competency Quiz

Configuration Competency Quiz

The following quiz is designed to measure your knowledge of Sales Cookie and configuration of plans. Please check your answers carefully!

Which application shortcuts are incorrect?
  • ALT-C for calculations
  • ALT-O for tools
  • ALT-S for transactions
  • ALT-T for teams
  • ALT-U for users

Simplify the following formula so it becomes more manageable
  • var $x = [Transaction].[Category (Imported)]
  • --------------------------------------------------------
  • var $payout = IIF($x = 'Cookies', 10, IIF($x = 'Biscuit', 20, IIF($x = 'Candy', 30, 0)))

What problems exist with this formula?
  • var $d = [Transaction].[Transaction Date (System)]
  • --------------------------------------------------------
  • var $years = DateDiff('#2000-01-01#', GetDateStart($d, Year), Years)

What problems exist with this formula?
  • var $d = [Transaction].[Transaction Date (System)]
  • --------------------------------------------------------
  • var $startDate = [Calculation].[start_date]
  • --------------------------------------------------------
  • var $days = DateDiff($startDate, $d, Days)

Which statements are incorrect about crediting formulas?
  • Crediting formulas can be used to split transactions between reps
  • Crediting formulas can be used to lookup a manager and implement an "override" plan
  • Crediting formulas can help implement crediting rules when matching based on aliases isn't sufficient
  • Crediting formulas can be debugged by setting a transaction ID on the "Calculations" tab of plans

You calculate commissions for [Jan], for [Feb], and then for [Jan + Feb] combined (for the same plan). Which statements are incorrect?
  • Sales Cookie will show a purple bar under Calculations > All Calculations
  • Sales Cookie will make the calculation fail because calculations overlap
  • Sales Cookie may generate double-payment alerts because overlapping
  • Sales Cookie may generate deduction rewards because overlapping

Which statements are incorrect about unique IDs and CSV transaction uploads?
  • If we add a record to a master CSV, and Sales Cookie does NOT have a transaction with its unique ID, we will add a new transaction in Sales Cookie on upload
  • If we change a record within a master CSV, and Sales Cookie does have a transaction with its unique ID, we will update the transaction in Sales Cookie on upload
  • If we have several records in a master CSV with the same unique ID, Sales Cookie will only create or update a single transaction on upload
  • If we remove a record from a master CSV, and Sales Cookie does have a transaction with its unique ID, we will remove the transaction in Sales Cookie on upload

Which statements are incorrect about CSV transaction uploads?
  • Naming CSV files consistently helps create reliable transaction queries we can depend on
  • Naming CSV files consistently helps mappings get defaulted based on previous uploads
  • Naming CSV files consistently helps ensure sanity when dealing with many data sources
  • Naming CSV files consistently helps generate better rep dashboards

You are synchronizing records from a SalesForce view which filters to "Closed Won" records only. A synchronized SFDC record is updated from "Closed Won" to "Closed Lost" in SalesForce. What will happen?
  • The corresponding transaction will be deleted in Sales Cookie
  • The corresponding transaction will be updated to "Closed Lost" in Sales Cookie
  • The corresponding transaction will remain as "Closed Won" in Sales Cookie
  • The corresponding transaction will be flagged as failing to synchronize in Sales Cookie
Which of the following would NOT help configure a QTD plan with monthly payouts?
  • Use [Transaction].[in_period] in reward formulas
  • Configure CumulativeQuarterly=1 in advanced options
  • Configure the Withholding = <Show Withheld Commissions> option
  • Configure StartDate=QuarterStart in advanced options

Which of the following strategies do not help avoid double-payment of commission?
  • Call function GetCommission() in reward formulas
  • Enable deductions in plan advanced options
  • Rely on double-payment alerts
  • Use a dynamic quota formula

Which of the following strategies do not help credit managers over transactions from their team members?
  • Configure a team-based plan
  • Call function Lookup() in a dynamic quota formula
  • Setup custom variables on users to specify which managers to credit
  • Configure a dynamic crediting rule

Which of the following statements are incorrect about draws?
  • There is a built-in configuration option to limit (cap) repayments
  • Draws configured on a plan take into account payouts from dependent plans 
  • Non-recoverable draws are "forgiven" advances
  • There's a way to reset a rep's owed draw balance

On which entities is is not possible to define custom variables?
  • On calculations
  • On plans
  • On users
  • On teams

Two attainment levels are cumulative
  • The first tier starts at $0
  • The second tier starts at $100
  • The first pays 5% over all transactions
  • The second pays 10% over transactions at the current attainment level only
  • Blended rates are NOT used to calculate commissions
    • We assign on-the-fence transactions count towards their higher tier
  • There are 2 transactions worth $100
  • What is the total payout?

Two attainment levels are non-cumulative
  • The first tier starts at $0
  • The second tier starts at $100
  • The first pays 5% over all transactions
  • The second pays 10% over transactions at the current attainment level only
  • Blended rates are NOT used to calculate commissions
    • We assign on-the-fence transactions count towards their higher tier
  • There are 2 transactions worth $100
  • What is the total payout?

Two attainment levels are cumulative
  • The first tier starts at $0
  • The second tier starts at $100
  • The first pays 5% over transactions at the current attainment level
  • The second pays 10% over transactions at the current attainment level
  • Blended rates ARE used to calculate commissions
    • We split on-the-fence transactions between tiers
  • There is a first transaction worth $50
  • There is a second transaction worth $80
  • What is the total payout?

Which of the following entities are not meaningful in Stripe?
  • Invoice
  • Charge
  • Subscription
  • Product
  • Refund
  • Deal

Which of the following options do not properly handle retroactively changing data
  • Re-calculate YTD and use deductions
  • Re-calculate YTD and call GetCommission() to pay delta ($owed - $paid)
  • Re-calculate YTD and return 0 in rewards if [Transactions].[in_period] = 0

Which of the following statements are incorrect about automated CSV uploads?
  • It's possible to test CSV uploads using the command line
  • If the uploaded CSV format changes, it's necessary to get a new upload URL
  • It's possible to upload Excel files instead of CSV files using the same upload URL
  • Anybody with a given upload URL has access to the API key

Which of the following statements are incorrect about advanced SQL queries
  • It's possible to access any entity in the database using an advanced query
  • It's required to add WorkspaceId = @WorkspaceId in the advanced query
  • The advanced query should be wrapped using {{ ... }} brackets
  • Customers can edit advanced SQL queries in formulas

Which of the following statements are incorrect about entity relationships?
  • A CalculationCredit points to a single CalculationCommission, which points to a single Transaction
  • A CalculationCommission points to a single CalculationCredit, which points to a single Transaction
  • A Transaction points to a single CalculationCredit, which points to a single CalculationCommission
  • A CalculationCredit points to a single Transaction, which points to a single CalculationCommission

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