Checking If Transactions Can Be Credited To a User (Advanced)

Checking If Transactions Can Be Credited To a User (Advanced)

This topic is applicable to the following scenario:
  1. You are creating a new incentive plan
  2. You want to measure sales performance by team / territory
  3. Sales transactions have one of the following issue
    1. They do not include a team / territory identifier
    2. They include an team / territory identifier but it cannot be mapped to a team (ex: the team no longer exists)

Consider the following sample sales transaction:

The first transaction includes a user name ("James Cookie"), but no team / territory information. The second transaction also includes a user name ("James Cookie"), but the territory by is just "???" (ex: the territory no longer exists).

Under those conditions, how can teams be credited for the transaction - allowing you to effectively measure sales performance by team / territory?

Checking advanced option "First Check If Transactions Can be Credited to a Team (advanced)" allows teams to receive credit for the transaction by mapping users (ex: "James Cookie") back to teams they belong to. If your workspace has a user whose aliases include "James Cookie", Sales Cookie can credit teams this user belongs to for the transaction. 

Different modes are available:
  1. Split Credit Equally Between Teams The User Is A Member Of
    1. The transaction's creditable amount is divided by the number of teams the user belongs to. Each team is credited with an equal fraction of this amount.
  1. Assign Full Credit To All Teams The User Is A Member Of
    1. The transaction's creditable amount is assigned in full to each team the user belongs to.

Note that if you choose to the second option, you incur the risk of double-counting the transaction's revenue / profit. Consider a design which avoids double-compensating users for the same transaction.

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