Best Practice - Searching Transactions

Best Practice - Searching Transactions

To search for transactions, browse to Transactions > All Transactions.

Searching Efficiently
Here are some key controls we will discuss:

If you have thousands of records, consider narrowing the scope of your search.
  1. Specify a date range
    1. Ex: this quarter, last 365 days, etc.
  2. Avoid searching ALL fields (global search)
    1. Use advanced search to narrow down results

For example, suppose that we are looking for records with "dough now" in any field.
The global search below is expensive because it searches ALL records and ALL fields for "dough now".
If you have many records, this type of query will be slow as it will search gigabytes of data.

The query below is more efficient.
First, this query only searches records over the last 365 days.
Second, it only searches for "dough now" within the Customer system field.
This type query will return much faster than the previous one.

Note that it's OK to specify a global search in addition to an advanced search.
This makes it convenient to search ALL fields, after narrowing down results a bit.
In the example below, we are narrowing results to the last 365 days and search a specific field for "dough now".
Since this represents a smaller data set, it's OK for us to search for "candies" across ALL fields.

Specifying AND/OR Conditions
Suppose you want to search for records where the Customer is "dough now" AND [the product contains "candies" OR the product contains cake].
The brackets are important here. We want to apply the OR condition before we apply the AND condition.
To achieve this, shift the two product conditions to the right to create a block, and specify an OR condition between them, as show below.
Note: the last "AND" won't be used until you add one more condition below.

Case Sensitivity
All searches are case-insensitive.
For example, searching for "dough now" will return results with "Dough Now", "dough now", "DOugh NoW", etc.

Field Suggestions
When using advanced search, we try to suggest values found in your data.
This may not work in all cases, especially if you have a large data set.

Choosing Fields
To select fields, click on this button:

Check fields you want to display.
To change the order, either use arrows, or drag-and-drop fields to new positions.

Exporting Results
There is an option to export results to CSV.

Sorting Results
Use arrows displayed on fields headers to sort records.

Paging Results
If there is more than one "page" of control, use the Prev and Next controls.

Also, hovering on arrow controls allows you to scroll horizontally.
This is useful if you have many fields and don't want to scroll manually.

Resetting The View
To reset the view to the default, click on this button.
All search conditions and filters are cleared. Displayed fields are reset to the default.
This can be useful if you want to start over.  

Automatically Restoring Your Last Query
When you leave this page and return later, we try to restore your last query.
If your last query however took several seconds to run, we will NOT try to restore it.
This is to ensure your are not stuck next time, waiting for an expensive query to complete. 


Saving and Loading Queries
You can save queries by click in the top right corner.

You will be prompted for a query name.

Once a query has been saved, you can load it.

After saving or loading a query, you will see this.

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